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Anti-Gay Uganda Ambassador Fined

Well this is a sign of hope in Uganda. South Africa's
ambassador to Uganda has been found guilty of hate
speech for an anti-gay column he wrote before his
appointment according to the South African Human
Rights Commission said Tuesday. Commission
spokesman Vincent Moaga said a judge ruled that the
2008 newspaper column headlined "Call me names,
but gay is NOT OK" by veteran journalist Jon Qwelane
promoted hatred. Qwelane was ordered to apologize &
pay a fine of 100,000 rand (about $14,000) that the
human rights commission will donate to a gay rights
organization. Moaga said the case sent an important
message at a time when a series of rapes & other attacks
on lesbians has raised concern about homophobic
violence in South Africa. Updates to Come...:)
Exclusive Chat with Richard Emmanuel,
visionary & dedicated political activist talks

about the importance of the words we use to

win LGBT Equality

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Another Memorial Day Under DADT

We went searching for an appropriate Memorial Day story
for our LGBT community & our gay & lesbian brothers &
sisters who continue to serve our country under “Don’t Ask,
Don’t Tell.” The only thing we could find was a statement
by the National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) who
issued a statement calling for Congress to end efforts to
undermine the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT) repeal.
NCJW is the only non-LGBT organization to take such a
firm stand with Congress over manipulation with the
already-signed law. We thank all those members of our
LGBT community who are presently serving, those who
have served, & their family members, friends & allies who
support them. (See Statement Below....)
We wish all Americans a safe & fabulous Memorial Day.
Exclusive Chat with Richard Emmanuel,
visionary & dedicated political activist talks

about the importance of the words we use to

win LGBT Equality

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Moscow Gay Pride Erupts in Gay Bashings

In Moscow Saturday Gay Pride participants including
US gay activists Andy Thayer & Dan Choi plus Moscow
Gay Pride committee member Anna Komarova & other
Russian gay activists were arrested & beaten by police
near the Kremlin. DADT Activist Dan Choi, was violently
manhandled by police, wrestled to ground & punched.
“Right ear ringing, small bleeding,” Choi text messaged
shortly after he was grabbed by several police officers &
shoved into a police van. Other activists reported minor
injuries from scuffles with the police & other unidentified
men. Neo-Nazis made repeated attempts to bash the LGBT
campaigners as they were being arrested & taken to police
buses. Some of the campaigners were struck but none were
hurt seriously. Within 4 hours all 18 arrested gay pride
protesters had been released. Anna Komarova reports
being pressured by the police to give information about
the organization of Moscow Gay Pride. The police
threatened to detain her for 48 hours unless she gave
them the information they wanted.
Exclusive Chat with Richard Emmanuel,
visionary & dedicated political activist talks

about the importance of the words we use to

win LGBT Equality

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Neo-Nazis Threaten Moscow Gay Pride

Update: Moscow police Saturday detained US gay
activist Dan Choi as well as Britain's Peter Tatchell
& France's Louis-George Tin, as violence broke out
at the rally that activists tried to stage near the
Kremlin wall. The protesters waving rainbow flags &
some carrying signs reading "Russia is not Iran" were
attacked during the rally by members of Neo-Nazis &
religious groups who had gathered near the Kremlin
in anticipation. Police move in & violently wrestle both
activists & members of the religious group & neo-Nazis
to the ground before leading them off in handcuffs to
waiting security vans.
DADT Activist Dan Choi stated prior to his arrest ,
“I am here in Russia in solidarity with our brothers &
sisters who are fighting for the basic right to express
their identity. This is a different kind of battlefield from
all the battlefields I’ve seen. On this battlefield our only
weapon is truth, our only armor integrity & our only
ammunition is love.” Updates to Come….
Exclusive Chat with Richard Emmanuel,
visionary & dedicated political activist talks

about the importance of the words we use to

win LGBT Equality

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Gay Ally Naya Rivera Speaks OUT

We love Glee’s Naya Rivera who very naturally plays
the edgy gay charaacter Santana. Naya says she's happy
her character is gay. In a recent interview prior to the
show's season finale Rivera chats about playing Santana
who this season admitted she's in love with Brittany
played by Heather Morris. Both women are excellent
realistic role moles for our LGBTQ teens.
Rivera hosted the 2011 GLAAD MEDIA Awards in San
Francisco. Jarrett Barrios, President of GLAAD stated,
“The story line with Santana struggling with her affection
for another teenage girl, calling herself a lesbian but not
knowing how to say that out loud yet, is one that hasn't
been told on a prime-time network television show at
that level, particularly by an LGBT teen of color. We win
acceptance & respect from people across America through
shows like 'Glee,' simply by having our stories told."
Exclusive Audio Interview with Ricky Martin &
lots of Celebrities talk Gay Rights & Red Carpet

Pix & Dish @ the NYC GLAAD MEDIA Awards


Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Tennessee Anti-Gay Law Challenged

The nasty unconstitutional law that was recently passed
in Tennessee against our LGBT community is being legally
challenged. Nashville Attorney Abby Rubenfeld, a former
legal director of Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund
is planning a lawsuit challenging the new anti-gay Tennessee
law that prohibits local government from creating anti-
discrimination laws that are stricter than protections laid
out by the state government. Sponsors & supporters said the
bill is all about making it easier to do business in Tennessee.
However opponents believe this homophobic legislation is
just aimed to derail Nashville’s efforts to protect gays &
lesbians in the workplace. On April 5th the Nashville Metro
Council adopted new rules that added “sexual orientation”
& “gender identity” to its protected classes. The new law
overturns the Nashville ordinance & prohibits all Tennessee
municipalities from enacting similar protections for LGBT
people. Gov. Bill Haslam signed the bill into law on Monday.
Updates to Come…:)

Exclusive Audio Interview with Rapper DJ
Cazwell host of a new original music video
series Boombox this June on here!TV more

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Gay Ally Kathy Hochul Heads to Congress

A new ally for marriage equality & the repeal of
"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" has won election to the U.S.
Congress with an upset victory that has been called
for Democrat Kathy Hochul against Republican
Jane Corwin in New York's 26th District. With 91 %
of precincts reporting, Hochul was winning the race
48 % to 42 % with Tea Party candidate Jack Davis
garnering 9 % of the vote. The special election was the
result of former Rep. Chris Lee (R-N.Y.) resigning in
February when shirtless photos he sent to a woman
surfaced online. We just love these stories....:)
Congrats Kathy, New York State & America!!
Exclusive Audio Interview with Rapper DJ
Cazwell host of a new original music video
series Boombox this June on here!TV more

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

DADT & DOMA Defense Bill Update

The Obama administration issued its Statement of
Administration Policy regarding the National Defense
Authorization Act (NDAA), as passed by the House
Armed Services Committee earlier this month.
This is in response of that nasty bill the House Armed
Services Committee is trying to include provisions
in the NDAA attempting to expand the "Don't Ask,
Don't Tell" repeal process & to reaffirm or expand
the “Defense of Marriage Act” (DOMA). The
administration stated today that it "strongly objects"
to all 3 amendments. Despite these strong objections
the White House did not state that inclusion of any
of the 3 provisions would lead to recommendation
that President Obama would veto the bill. If the bill
does reach the Senate we should be in a better place
to defeat this homophobic agenda of the Republican
led House of Representatives. Updates to Come…:)
Exclusive Audio Interview with Rapper DJ
Cazwell host of a new original music video
series Boombox this June on here!TV more

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Gay Marriage Winning in Polls & More

Last week we reported that the Gallop Poll tracking
gay marriage showed that 53% of Americans believe
same-gender marriage should be recognized by the law
as valid with the same rights as traditional marriages.
Now another blow for the homophobes is that Jim Daly,
President & CEO of Focus on the Family, which funds
attacks against marriage equality across the country
admits in a new interview that his side has “probably
lost” on the issue of gay marriage. Good As You reports
that Daly in an interview for the June 4 issue of World
Magazine attributes the losing battle to changing attitudes
among young people. “We're losing on that one, especially
among the 20 & 30 somethings: 65 to 70 percent of them
favor same-gender marriage,” says Daly in the interview.
“I don't know if that's going to change with a little more
age -demographers would say probably not. We've probably
lost that.” Of course they’re still joining with the National
Organization for Marriage to fund anti-gay campaigns &
constitutional amendments such as the most recent effort
to ban marriage equality in Minnesota in 2012. But the shift
is definitely changing to support marriage equality.
Updates to Come.:)
Exclusive Audio Interview with Rapper DJ
Cazwell host of a new original music video
series Boombox this June on here!TV more

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Anti-Gay Church Raises $50K for HIV/AIDS

Lisa Lampanelli who’s referred to as Comedy's Lovable Queen of Mean is noted for her racy & raunchy style of comedy which frequently includes subjects such as race & homosexuality. When the anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church announced plans to protest Lampanelli’s show due to her support of gay rights Lampanelli said she would donate $1,000 per protester to Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC), the nation’s oldest HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment & care services provider. 48 protesters arrived to spew their homophobic hate so the comedian rounded it off to $50,000 to GMHC for AIDS care in the names of the anti-gay hate spewing WBC protesters. We love Lisa Lampanelli. Updates to Come...:)
Exclusive Audio Interview with Rapper DJ Cazwell host of a new original music video series Boombox this June on here!TV more @ OUTTAKE VOICES™

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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