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Why Margaret Cho Defines Herself as Queer

By Charlotte Robinson, October 04, 2011


When Margaret Cho was on OUTTAKE VOICES™ last year we asked her whether she wanted to be referred to as a Gay Activist or Gay Ally. She said she refers to herself as queer & said she preferred Gay Activist. This was in the midst of Prop 8 being found unconstitutional by Federal Judge Ware in California. She was outraged at the last minute decision to put gay marriages in that state on hold once again. The important thing about Margaret is that she’s a fierce advocate for LGBT equality. She was very brave speaking out against LGBTQ teen bullying when she was on "Dancing With The Stars" last year. In a recent Huffington Post article she reveals that she is married to a man but defines sexual orientation as queer. We’re all made up of male & female characteristics. Cho believes in being true to herself. This is reflected in her act that to plays to a very gay male oriented audience. I talked to her about this after her show in Provincetown a few summers ago just to remind her there were lesbians in the audience too. She got it & smiled..:) Margaret Cho's 6th concert film of "Cho Dependent" debuts on Showtime on Saturday, Oct. 15th.
For More Info: MargaretCho.com
OUTTAKE VOICES™ Gay Activist Margaret Cho Speaks OUT
Exclusive Audio Chat with Malcolm Lazin, Founder of Equality Forum. October is LGBT History Month honoring LGBT leaders & icons. Check OUT the Video & More...@ OUTTAKE VOICES™

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Margaret Cho said...

Often people are curious about the fact that I am married to a man but call myself queer. It's because I have had sex with more than one person, and I had unmarried sex quite a few times, and roughly half the people have been men and the other half have been women, and then there were a few people in between those genders who identified in differing ways, so it's up to me to define myself, too, and so that would be queer. It's the most fitting description, short and concise, and really to-the-point. I don't know why it's a difficult concept to understand. Most of the people I know have had sex with more than one person, and many have sex outside marriage. I just happen to have had it with people all along the gender scale….

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