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Big Win Against Gay Bullying in Minnesota

By Charlotte Robinson, March 08, 2012
Minnesota has been at the heart of the homophobia in schools debate & how to teach & educate children on sexuality. Now 6 Minnesota students will share $270,000 after being harassed in their school because of ‘nonconformity’. This has resulted in ground-breaking changes in Minnesota designed to prevent gay bullying in what federal officials are calling a national model. Minnesota’s largest school district, Anoka-Hennepin, approved a legal agreement with the federal government which has been investigating the district for human rights violations. Under the agreement, the Department of Justice & Education will monitor the district for 5 years. The comprehensive plan will finally aim to prevent & address sexuality based harassment & improve the training & education of teachers & students. Thomas E. Perez, assistant attorney general for civil rights, said he hoped the agreement would serve as a model for other schools. “This is not about whether to advocate gay marriage. This is about safety." Kyle Rooker, 15, said he had endured name-calling, was shoved into lockers & even urinated on because of his fondness for sparkly clothes & singing songs by Cher & Lady Gaga. Kyle said, “I am happy this agreement will help the kids at Anoka-Hennepin be able to have a welcoming and safe environment. I am glad kids coming up behind me in school won't have to suffer the same things that I did. And, hopefully, kids at Anoka-Hennepin schools will respect one another more, even if they are different.” Well it's a beginning at least. Updates to Come...:)
Exclusive Audio Chat with Fred Karger the first openly gay Presidential Candidate from a major political party in American history in the most homophobic race for President this country has ever seen. He was on the GOP ballot in New Hampshire & Michigan & has received confirmation that his name will appear on the ballot in California, New York, Maryland, North Carolina & Puerto Rico. Karger says he’ll stick around until August at the Republican Convention in Tampa. He talks about his campaign & LGBT issues
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
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View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

APeterson said...

Hi! Speaking of bullying, check out this hilarious video that compares the Minnesota anti-Marriage people to Hitler.


It even goes so far to accuse the Republican party of being a hate group and blames these "hate groups" for the bullying in our schools.

It's totally worth sharing and re-sharing. LOL!

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