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Help Make Obama Evolve on Gay Marriage

By Charlotte Robinson, March 12, 2012
Since the launch of the LGBT org Freedom to Marry “Say I Do” campaign to include marriage equality on the Democratic platform for their Convention in Charlotte, NC this September they have gathered more than 32,000 Americans including House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senators Dianne Feinstein, Al Franken, Kirsten Gillibrand plus 20 of their colleagues & even the Chair of the Convention, L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. Just in case you haven’t heard about this Freedom to Marry in calling on all of us to get involved & add our names to this effort to get the Democratic Party to add a freedom to marry plank to the 2012 Party Platform. In the coming weeks & months Freedom to Marry will mount a multi-faceted campaign to add other voices to yours. They’re organizing at the grassroots level, to tell our personal stories & talk about why marriage matters at platform field hearings that the Democratic Party is setting up. This will mobilize tens of thousands of additional supporters online. Add your support & name to this worthy attempt to make President Obama evolve on gay marriage. If the Democratic Party includes marriage equality on their 2012 Presidential ticket then he will have to embrace our LGBT people on this issue.
For More Info: freedomtomarry.org
Exclusive Audio Chat with Deborah Salem Smith, Playwright-in-Residence at Trinity Repertory Company in Providence Rhode Island about her new must-see play LOVE ALONE that addresses medical malpractice, gay marriage & LGBTQ family rights. World Premiere at Trinity Rep March 16th & runs through May 27th more
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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