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Washington State Gay Marriage Update

By Charlotte Robinson, June 29, 2012
As you know Washington State has gay marriage on their November ballot. The group Washington United for Marriage (WUM) is working to defend the bipartisan marriage law & have released a video testimonial in its series, “Why Marriage Matters.” The affirmation is by Rev. Melvin Woodworth of Tacoma who underscores the growing list of religious coalitions, congregations & people of faith who have come to embrace marriage equality for all loving couples. In the video, Rev. Woodworth, the pastor at First United Methodist Church in Tacoma, talks about meeting with a gay parishioner stating, “As he talked to me, I realized that he was like every other person who had come to me wanting to get married. He had love in his heart, he wanted to share it with the person he had found & he wanted to shout it from the rooftops.” Endorsing the campaign to Approve Referendum 74 are the Faith Action Network, Catholics for Equality, the Anti-Defamation League, the Union for Reform Judaism & individual congregations from the Baptist, Episcopal, Lutheran, United Methodist & United Church of Christ faiths. With his wife of 23 years by his side, Rev. Woodworth added, “After a lot of study of the scriptures & a lot of work with couples, I’ve just come to the point where I understand that this [marriage] is the right thing to do.” Watch Video….
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1 comment:

wayne said...

While I applaud the Pastor's remarks, I remind ALL religious groups that we are dealing with CIVIL marriage laws, relating to the Courthouse doors.....not to their church doors.

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