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By Charlotte Robinson, January 27, 2013

You’ve heard about the massive demonstrations for & against marriage equality in France. Well Boston Pride & GLAD (Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders) announced their sponsorship of “OUI FOR EQUALITY” a rally to be held this Sunday in support of marriage equality in France. The rally will be held outside the Consulate General of France in Boston at 31 St James Ave this Sunday, January 27th from 1-2P. Local chapters of Français du Monde - ADFE (an association for French expatriates) & the French Socialist Party will attend. Sylvain Bruni, a board member at Français du Monde & himself a French citizen stated,, “It is great to see such a coalition of organizations come together in Boston in support of global equality & international human rights. Marriage equality in France will have a resounding effect on the scores of French-American LGBT couples, so we are glad to have such a strong local community backing.”   The French government & parliament are currently working on a Marriage Equality bill which will allow LGBT couples the right to marry & adopt children. While anti-gay forces have shown great determination & have chosen to adopt a homophobic position, marriage equality proponents will rally everywhere in France this Sunday in support of the continuation of the French legislative work so that all couples may be granted the same rights: marriage, adoption, recognition of bi-national filiation. French expatriates around the world are expected to organize rallies as well. Massachusetts was the first state in America to pass marriage equality in 2004. Participants in Sunday’s rally are encouraged to wear red or pink for increased visibility at the event. Warm beverages will be available. See You There!
Updates to Come…:)

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