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Gay Marriage in Ten States Soon

By Charlotte Robinson, January 04, 2013
Now that we have 9 states where gay marriage is the law a few states seem to be in a race to become the tenth state to pass marriage equality. We thought it may be Illinois but in their lame duck session  proponents of gay marriage Thursday night announced they will act on the issue in the new General Assembly that convenes next week on Jan. 9th. Bernard Cherkasov, CEO of Equality Illinois stated, "We have come so far. Just to be able to witness the historic public debate over the desire of all loving, committed couples to be able to marry in Illinois is a major accomplishment. And with the landmark action by the Senate Executive Committee in favor of the bill, for the first time ever an Illinois legislative body voted to extend the freedom to marry." In Rhode Island gay marriage legislation has been introduced in both chambers of state General Assembly. If gay marriage passes in this state it will make all of New England where marriage equality is the law. Democratic Rep. Art Handy of Cranston introduced his bill in the House Thursday afternoon & more than 40 members of the 75-member House signed on as co-sponsors. Then Democratic Sen. Donna Nesselbush of Pawtucket introduced her version of the legislation, which has 11 sponsors in the 38-member Senate. Nesselbush, who is a lesbian called the introduction of the legislation ‘‘history in the making”. House Speaker Gordon Fox has called for a gay marriage vote in the House this month. So let’s see who wins this race & what states will follow. Updates to Come…:)

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