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Rhode Island Gay Marriage Vote

By Charlotte Robinson, January 23, 2013
Gay Marriage Bill PASSES Rhode Island House 51-19!
On to the Senate....Updates to Come...:)
Tuesday on the heel of Obama’s historic LGBT inclusive inaugural speech the Rhode Island House Judiciary Committee unanimously endorsed gay marriage. The panel’s chairwoman state Representative Edith Ajello stated, ‘‘Many of us have been waiting for this for a number of years. This is truly a historic moment.’’ Now it’s headed to the state House of Representatives for debate & a vote on Thursday. As 2012 came to a close Maine joined Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont & New Hampshire in allowing all loving couples to express their commitment through marriage. If the Rhode Island gay marriage bill passes that would make all the states of New England a gay marriage zone. Lee Swislow Executive Director of GLAD (Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders) stated, “GLAD is working closely with Marriage Equality Rhode Island & other coalition partners to ensure this bill is signed into law this year so that gay & lesbian Rhode Islanders will have the freedom to marry the person they love in the state they call home”. Openly gay House Speaker Gordon Fox had called for a vote in his chamber on gay marriage by the end of January. Fox dropped similar legislation 2 years ago after it became apparent the legislation would not pass the Senate. Lawmakers instead approved civil unions for gay couples. Governor Lincoln Chafee a gay marriage supporter praised Tuesday’s committee vote as ‘‘another significant step forward toward marriage equality.’’ Updates to Come…:)

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