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Gay Ally John Kerry Confirmed

By Charlotte Robinson, January 29, 2013
The Senate confirmed Obama’s nomination of Senator John Kerry to be Secretary of State by a vote of 94-3. We know Kerry is a fierce gay ally who will continue to support worldwide equality for our LGBT community but it’s not going to as exciting as it has been with Hillary Clinton. We will miss her. Kerry has spent 28 years in the Senate with an unsuccessful bit for President in 2004, the year gay marriage became the law in Massachusetts. Kerry is expected to give a farewell speech in the Senate on Wednesday & will be sworn in as Hillary’s replacement in a State Department ceremony later this week. As expected Kerry sailed through his confirmation hearing. He actually met no resistance by his colleagues on both sides of the aisle. That’s who John Kerry is. We just hope that he will continue to fight for our LGBT community. Only time will tell. Now we have a vacancy in Massachusetts for Senator. Hopefully Republican Scott Brown will not seek the seat. The only thing that concerns me was when Obama blew his debate with Romney his administration blamed it on Kerry. Now he appointed to a top position in the Obama administration. Isn't life fabulous! Updates to Come…:)

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