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Lady Gaga Talks About Being Bullied

By Charlotte Robinson, May 19, 2011
In a new MTV documentary Lady Gaga recalls being
bullied by students at school & what impact it had on her.
Over past year, numerous teens have taken their own lives
after facing bullying incidents. LGBTQ teens are up to four
times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual
peers. With her new CD "Born This Way" Lady Gaga has
become a even more fierce champion for our LGBT community.
Her parents Gaga explained have always been supportive of
her dreams, even if it meant challenging her. Finding adult
support is very important for our LGBTQ kids. A good place
to start is the The Trevor Project. Finally, "Born This Way"
will be available May 23rd. Updates to Come…:)
Conclusion of Exclusive Audio Chats with
Filmmakers about their films appearing @

Boston LGBT Film Festival & more...


Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Lady Gaga said...

I was bullied in high school. I remember once, some of the girls from my class, they were hanging out with some boys that I knew also. And then I went to meet some friends for some pizza that were at the same pizzeria, and the boys picked me up and threw me in the trashcan on the street on the corner of my block, while all the other girls from the school were leaving and could see me in the trash and everybody was laughing — and I was even laughing.

I always have that nervous giggle and I just remember, like, holding back the tears and the lip quivering. I remember even one of the girls looking at me like, 'Are you about to cry? You're pathetic.' I remember I didn't tell anybody, that's what I remember. I remember I didn't tell anybody. I remember I didn't want to tell my parents because it was too embarrassing. And I remember I didn't want to really bring it up with my girlfriends even though they were there.

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