the nomination of Barbara Lenk to the SJC, the highest
court in Massachusetts. Lenk is not only a highly qualified
& well respected jurist, she is also an out lesbian. While
Governor Patrick nominated Lenk because of her legal
experience & exceptional credentials, it's worth noting
that she would be the first out lesbian ever to serve on
the SJC. This is a great day for our LGBT community.
Updates to Come...:)

Filmmakers @ the Boston LGBT Film
Festival that runs May 5th thru 15th

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View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage
1 comment:
In Massachusetts we've been blessed to have on the SJC several justices who believe deeply in equality for the LGBT community. But that has not always been the case. Having an out lesbian on the SJC will serve the same important purpose that having out glbts in every profession does: It helps change for the better, the attitudes, insights and sensitivities of those who work with or interact with us.
We can't end discrimination and prejudice by fiat. But when laws on discrimination change and when appointments like this one are made, it inextricably leads to a better understanding of the challenges discrimination and lack of equality have on our lives. Just as importantly, it leads to a greater acceptance of LGBT people.
Arline Isaacson, Co-Chair Massachusetts Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus
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