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“Still Around” World Premiere in Boston

By Charlotte Robinson, May 15, 2011
Boston LGBT Film Fest & Bioscrip Pharmacy presented
a free screening of the World Premiere of "Still Around"
on May 15th at the Brattle, Cambridge.
'The HIV Story Project' a San Francisco based film
collective commissioned & produced 15 short films
that portray people living with HIV/AIDS from the
San Francisco Bay Area. Sixteen filmmakers came
together to produce this historic film including;
Emmanuelle Antolin, Daniel Cardone, Leo Chiang,
Deborah Craig, Robert Dekkers, Veronica Duport
Deliz, Jörg Fockele, Stuart Gaffney, Amir Jaffer,
Sade Huron, Tim Kulikowski & Ian Wolfley, Rick
Osmon, Anne Siegel, Marc Smolowitz & Debra A.
Wilson. The film was followed by a Q & A with
Executive Producers Marc Smolowitz & Jörg Fockele.
Then a panel of experts moderated by Kevin Cranston.
The documentary was co-presented by AIDS ACTION.
Watch Trailer....

For More Info: bostonlgbtfilmfest.org
Listen to Marc Smolowitz talk about his
Film in the Conclusion of Exclusive Chats
w/ Filmmakers about their films appearing @

Boston LGBT Film Festival & more...


Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Amit Dixit said...

Please join the Boston LGBT Film Festival for a free screening of the World Premiere of "Still Around" the documentary addressing the 30th anniversary of HIV/AIDS on Sunday May 15th at 2pm at the Brattle Theatre, Cambridge. This free community screening is provided by Bioscrip Pharmacy. 'The HIV Story Project' a San Francisco based film collective commissioned this remarkable documentary created by 16 filmmakers who produced 15 shorts that speak about living and thriving with HIV/AIDS at the 30th anniversary of this pandemic. The films are directed by Emmanuelle Antolin, Daniel Cardone, Leo Chiang, Deborah Craig, Robert Dekkers, Veronica Duport Deliz, Jörg Fockele, Stuart Gaffney, Amir Jaffer, Sade Huron, Tim Kulikowski & Ian Wolfley, Rick Osmon, Anne Siegel, Marc Smolowitz and Debra A. Wilson. The film will be followed by a panel Q&A moderated by Kevin Cranston with the Executive Producers, Marc Smolowitz and Jörg Fockele. The film program is co-presented by AIDS ACTION.

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