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Marriage Equality ‘Motion to Marry’ Rally

By Charlotte Robinson, June 14, 2011
Exclusive Audio Chat with Aubrey Sarvis,
Executive Director of Servicemembers Legal

Defense Network with a “Don’t Ask, Don’t

Tell” Repeal Update

Update: Motion to Vacate Denied….
Chief U.S. District Judge James Ware said he would

issue a decision Today about the constitutionality of

Ware's decision since Judge Ware revealed he's gay.

Updates to Come...:)

Monday in San Francisco, June 13th from 7:30-8:30A
Marriage Equality USA hosted a “Motion to Marry” rally
at the United States District Court immediately preceding
Judge Ware’s hearing on the Proposition 8 motion to vacate
Judge Walker’s ruling holding Prop 8 unconstitutional.
After presiding over a 2 week trial regarding Prop 8 the
most extensive explication of evidence about the effects of
excluding loving, committed gay couples from marriage ever
conducted Chief Judge Vaughn Walker in August '10 issued
a 136 page order, holding that Prop 8 violated the fundamental
guarantees of equality in our Constitution. Those who oppose
equality now seek to vacate that ruling simply because Walker
himself happens to be a gay man in a long-term relationship.
Which is absurd. If this is an issue then if a heterosexual judge
rules against Prop 8 or any other LGBT civil rights issue he or
she should be disqualified as well. Speakers will include:
Therese Stewart, Rick Jacobs & Cleve Jones.
For More Info: marriageequality.org
Exclusive Chat with Richard Emmanuel,
visionary & dedicated political activist talks

about the importance of the words we use to

win LGBT Equality

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

John Lewis said...

The sexual orientation of a judge has no bearing on whether he is able to apply the United States Constitution to cases before him, just as the sexual orientation of ordinary citizens should have no bearing on whether they are able to marry the person they love. The Prop. 8 proponents are trying to distract the courts from the fact that at trial they could come up with no credible witness who could justify continued unequal treatment of loving, committed gay couples.
John Lewis, Marriage Equality USA’s Legal Analyst

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