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Gay Marriage Activists For Obama

By Charlotte Robinson, October 10, 2012
If you’re worried about the recent tight presidential polling numbers a gay activist couple Luke Montgomery & Eduardo Cisneros are hoping that highlighting President Obama’s support for marriage equality with their “Legalize Love Bug” Tour will help. To create an attention getting & dramatic campaign image the duo have covered every inch of their 2010 VW Beetle in over 1,000 “Legalize Love” Obama bumper stickers with the “O” in “love” being replaced with the Obama logo. With 4 states voting on gay marriage on their November ballot they set out on a 2,400 mile cross-country journey from their L.A. home to campaign on the ground in Maryland, Maine, Minnesota & Washington. In each state the activists will be clad in blue “Legalize Love” T-shirts & registering voters, passing out free “Legalize Love” bumper stickers, wristbands & T-shirts & holding press conferences geared at drawing media attention to Obama’s support of marriage equality. Eduardo Cisneros stated, “These are blue states that are voting for Obama & the ‘Legalize Love Bug’ will help make sure that the President’s support for equal marriage is heard loud and clear so they also vote for equality. Because of a tight national race, the President might not be able to hammer home his support for gay marriage so we are stepping in to make sure that message gets out no matter what.” Luke Montgomery added, “Obama has been a game-changer on this issue & we’re campaigning our hearts out because we believe that the President is the secret weapon to move & inspire voters. We want to get people involved with the campaign at LegalizeLoveBug.com so they can be a part of making marriage equality history in this election.”
For More Info: LegalizeLoveBug.com 
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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