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October Is LGBT History Month (VIDEO)

By Charlotte Robinson, October 01, 2012
Every October Equality Forum coordinates LGBT History Month that provides role models, teaches history & builds community to make an important civil rights statement about our LGBT community’s important contributions. The LGBT community is the only community worldwide that is not taught its history at home, in public schools or in religious institutions. Equality Forum is a national & international LGBT civil rights organization with an educational focus. Equality Forum coordinates LGBT History Month, produces documentary films, undertakes high-impact initiatives & presents the largest annual national & international LGBT civil rights summit. Each day in October a new LGBT icon is profiled. The 2012 LGBT Icons are:
1. Roberta Achtenberg 2. Gloria Anzaldua 3. Ann Bannon 4. Katharine Lee Bates 5. Mary Bonauto 6. Glenn Burke 7. Paul Cadmus 8. Truman Capote 9. Chris Colfer 10. Kate Clinton 11. Ramon Cortines 12. Marlene Dietrich 13. Jodie Foster 14. Jean Paul Gaultier 15. Henry Gerber 16. Billy Haines 17. Mary Kay Henry 18. Chris Hughes 19. Christine Jorgensen 20. Arthur Laurents 21. Don Lemon 22. Federico Garcia Lorca 23. Irshad Manji 24. Katherine Miller 25. Holly Near 26. RuPaul 27. Pierre Seel 28. Billy Strayhorn 29. Jon Stryker 30. Tom Waddell 31. Rev. Robert Wood
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For More Info: lgbthistorymonth.com OUTTAKE VOICES™ NOW ON HUFFINGTON POST...:)
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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