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US Deports Gay Domestic Partner

By Charlotte Robinson, October 15, 2012
Even though the Obama Administration issued written guidance to immigration officials regarding gay couples on Oct 5th we have a new disturbing story coming in from Los Angeles. Mark Smalley & his registered domestic partner of over 2 years Cameron Gray who are both influential members of the gay community in Los Angeles were recently separated from each other when Cameron re-entered the United States last Monday Oct. 8th after visiting his family in Australia. Cameron was immediately locked up & treated like a criminal by US Immigration for over 10 hours after arriving in the US from his 16 hour flight from Australia. The officers said that he had "... too many entries on your tourist waiver, which tells me that you're not just a tourist... You're planning on staying here permanently, aren't you?" After his 10 hour detainment & thoroughly explaining his situation he was then escorted by security to the gate of a departing flight where he was immediately deported back to Australia. This was simply due to the fact that Immigration officials chose to ignore how to handle Cameron's "unfamiliar" situation referring to his status as the registered domestic partner of a California state citizen & also an immigrant. This would never happen with a heterosexual couple. Cameron was initially invited to work here in the United States over 12 years ago & did so legally on a visa up until recently he was laid off during the recession. However during this time he fell in love with & committed himself to Mark. Unlike a heterosexual couple Mark's US citizenship could not & still can not help Cameron get a legal visa denying them the equal opportunity to spend of the rest of their lives together as a heterosexual couple could. The only other option would be that Cameron would have to leave the country every 90 days on tourist waiver simply because gay immigration spouses cannot apply for those spousal visas. All of the above will appear in Ryan James Yezak's upcoming documentary entitled,"Second Class Citizens", an all-encompassing look at discrimination based on sexual orientation here in the United States. Updates to Come…:)
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Anonymous said...

So disgusting. Still, he shouldn't have left knowing there could be a chance he wouldn't be allowed back into the country. Not a good idea with DOMA still in place. Strike DOMA down NOW!

Kaye said...

That is so very true. As you said Anonymous, Not a good idea with DOMA still in place.

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