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Obama Backs Gay Marriage On Ballots

By Charlotte Robinson, October 26, 2012
Finally Obama threw in his support for gay marriage ballot measures in Maine, Maryland & Washington State. Since he came out for marriage equality in May he had not offered specific endorsements of the three measures until Thursday. In each case the endorsements came from his administration. In Washington State the statement was received from Paul Bell, Washington Press Secretary, Obama for America, "While the president does not weigh in on every single ballot measure in every state, the president believes in treating everyone fairly & equally, with dignity & respect. Washington’s same-sex marriage law would treat all Washington couples equally & that is why the President supports a vote to approve Referendum 74." At least something came out of the White House in support of these crucial ballot measures. We just wish he would evolve enough not to use the Karl Rove term "same-sex marriage". Tonight we’ll be attending the Gay, Lesbian, Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) 13th annual Spirit of Justice Award Dinner. The sold-out event will be honoring Reverend Irene Monroe with the 2012 Spirit of Justice Award. Reverend Monroe is a nationally renowned African American lesbian activist, scholar & public theologian. The Spirit of Justice Award recognizes individuals whose work & achievements reflect a profound dedication to our LGBT ideal of a just society. GLAD is the architect of gay marriage in this country & responsible for passing marriage equality in Massachusetts in 2004. One of the 2012 LGBT History Month Icons, Attorney Mary Bonauto will be on hand so we'll hopefully have a firsthand update on Maine & GLAD’s historic DOMA case that is likely headed to the US Supreme Court in 2013.
Updates to Come…:)
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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