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LGBT Celebrities For Obama (Video)

By Charlotte Robinson, October 16, 2012
We have a new five-minute video with LGBT celebrities talking about how much Obama has accomplished for our community to get the vote out. The video features Jane Lynch, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Billie Jean King, George Takai, Wanda Sykes, Zachary Quinto & Chaz Bono all talking about casting their vote for Obama. The LGBT celebrities talk about their coming out process & of course highlight what Obama has accomplished for our community. Tennis legend Billie Jean King says the president has pushed change & progress for LGBT people faster than any president in the nation’s history, which is very true. King adds, “You always have to protect change.” All of the celebrities say, “Come out & vote for Barack Obama” & Obama is included talking about civil rights, repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” & marriage equality in the 5-minute spot. We just wish they were hip enough not to use the Karl Rovian term same-sex marriage that has kept our community from achieving marriage equality by inciting red flags for the religious right homophobes. This video does have the ring of preaching to the choir but I guess it is what it is. If you’re LGBT the only choice you have is to vote for Obama since the GOP anti gay homophobic duo of Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan will do anything they can to put us all back in the closet.
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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