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Gay Marriage For Rep Barney Frank

By Charlotte Robinson, January 28, 2012
Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank is planning to tie the knot with his partner Jim Ready. Frank, 71 & Ready, 42, plan to wed in Massachusetts where gay marriage has been legal for seven years his office confirmed. This is going to be the social event to be invited to in Massachusetts. The Congressman who represents Massachusetts' 4th Congressional District is stepping down in 2012 after 32 years of service because of redistricting changes that would force him to try to represent 325,000 new constituents for only a few years before he retires. Just think how effective he could be making calls to repeal DOMA, (the Defense of Marriage Act). I’m sure once Frank is married he’ll focus on the 1,138 federal rights of marriage that are denied to our legally married gay couples in America. Jim Ready has a small business doing custom awnings, carpentry, painting, welding & other general handyman services. He is also a photographer & lives in Ogunquit, Maine. They've been together since 2007. Perhaps this will boost the possibility of passing marriage equality in that state as well. Updates to Come..:)
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Representative Barney Frank, one of the first openly gay members of Congress, will marry his partner of five years in a ceremony in Massachusetts, Mr. Frank’s spokesman said. Mr. Frank’s partner, Jim Ready, 42, is a photographer and handyman in Ogunquit, Maine. Mr. Frank, 71, announced in November that he would retire at the end of this year after more than three decades in the House. Mr. Frank’s spokesman said the wedding date had not been determined. Gay marriage has been legal in Massachusetts since 2004.

Laurie... said...

Best of luck to Barney Frank and his partner. What a great love story, I wish them both much happiness!

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