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Pope Declares War on Gay Marriage

By Charlotte Robinson, January 10, 2012
This is so typical coming from Pope Benedict declaring his homophobic opposition to gay marriage stating it undermines the traditional family & threatens ''the future of humanity itself'. (GOD, I hope you're listening to this hateful wrath from the man who leads 1.2 billion Catholics.) The Pope went on stating the education of each generation needed 'settings' & 'among these, pride of place goes to the family, based on the marriage of a man & a woman. This is not a simple social convention but rather the fundamental cell of every society. Consequently, policies which undermine the family threaten human dignity & the future of humanity itself.' He laid this on diplomats to the Holy See from almost 180 countries, the pontiff also made 'particular reference to the West' when he said legislative measures that permit & 'at times even promote abortion' were a similar threat. Just same old same old, year to year.
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1 comment:

Victor De Sousa said...

I don't agree with the Pope, and it just hurts me as a gay man - especially coming from a Catholic background and truly believing in God. I know people say it's just a piece of paper, but it would mean the world to me to be legally married under the law like everyone else. To have the priests reading the vows would mean the world to me.

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