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Martina Navratilova Courting Gay Marriage

By Charlotte Robinson, January 23, 2012
Finally Martina Navratilova spoke out about Margaret Court’s anti-gay position on same-gender marriage. If you have been following this story 69-year-old Court, an 11-time Australian Open champion is now a Christian pastor & took a very homophobic position against our LGBT community. A few weeks before this year’s tournament she told the media that “politically correct education has masterfully escorted homosexuality out from behind closed doors, into the community openly & now is aggressively demanding marriage rights that are not theirs to take.” Navratilova’s first match in the legends’ doubles were Sunday scheduled for Margaret Court Arena. Navratilova didn’t boycott but instead the longtime gay activist wore a rainbow patch on her sleeve as she & Nicole Bradtke beat Martina Hingis & Iva Majoli. Navratilova said she hadn’t spoken to Court for years. (See Martina’s reaction in comments…:)
Exclusive Chat with Dustin Lance Black, Oscar Winning screenwriter for MILK & the new critically-acclaimed film J. EDGAR, talks about his play “8” based on the Prop 8 Trial

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
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View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Martina Navratilova said...

Playing on Margaret Court Arena, it’s an honor, as always, to be on that court. You know, it’s not a personal issue. Clearly Margaret Court’s views that she has expressed on gay marriage, I think are outdated. But it’s not about any one person. It’s not about religious rights, it’s about human rights. It’s a secular view, not a religious view. Margaret Court was all about Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. She repeated that about four or five times, so I just felt I couldn’t get through to her. Maybe she thought she could get through to me.

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