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UN Warns Africa To Respect Gay Rights

By Charlotte Robinson, January 29, 2012
Something positive to report in the world of global homophobia. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon told African leaders at the opening of a summit meeting Sunday that they must respect gay rights. Ban stated, “One form of discrimination ignored or even sanctioned by many states for too long has been discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. It prompted governments to treat people as second class citizens or even criminals.” Homosexuality is illegal in several African countries. In Uganda our LGBT community has been fighting the Kill The Gays Bill for years now. British Prime Minister David Cameron stated last year he would consider withholding aid from African countries that do not recognize gay rights. Then there was last December at the International Human Rights Day at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated, “Some have suggested that gay rights & human rights are separate & distinct but in fact they are one & the same.” Ban finished his summit statement by saying, “Confronting these discriminations is a challenge, but we must not give up on the ideas of the universal declaration.” Read last month’s UN statement in comments. Updates to Come…:)
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1 comment:

United Nations said...

As men and women of conscience, we reject discrimination in general, and in particular discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Where there is a tension between cultural attitudes and universal human rights, rights must carry the day. Together, we seek the repeal of laws that criminalize homosexuality, that permit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity, that encourage violence.

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