2012 has kicked off with the closest outcome in the history of the Iowa Caucuses. Mitt Romney edged out Rick Santorum by just 8 votes Tuesday to win the first contest of the 2012 election. Romney is the less of the 2 evils when it comes to LGBT issues making it interesting to see what happens in the upcoming GOP primaries. Last month when we interviewed Arline Isaacson, Co-Chair of the Massachusetts Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus for
HUFFINGTON POST she stated, “Having been accused of flip flopping many times on important issues, Romney has finally learned that his positions & quotes frequently come back to haunt him when he tries to appeal to an audience with different views. So he now speaks equivocally. If he has been 'accused' of supporting the LGBT community, he might as while pretend he does.” We just ask our gay Republican allies to please keep their eyes wide-open during this crucial race to the White House. Updates to Come…:)

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1 comment:
This extremely close outcome shows that in spite of the millions of dollars and constant campaigning on the backs of loving, committed gay and lesbian couples in Iowa, the attempt by social conservatives to dominate the caucuses simply didn’t work. Rather, this tie between Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney shows the deep divisions that exist between social conservatives who want to harm loving and committed couples, and fiscal conservatives who prioritize job creation and a smaller government.
Troy Price, Executive Director of One Iowa
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