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Toolkit For Discharged Gay Military

By Charlotte Robinson, January 12, 2012
Good news for our gay & lesbian service members who were discharged under "Don't Ask, Don't Tell". Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) has launched a new online toolkit to assist veterans discharged under DADT or the prior regulations prohibiting gay & lesbian service in the military seeking changes to their discharge paperwork. These changes include upgrading of discharge characterizations, modifying the narrative reason for discharge, or changing the reentry code. Guidance from the Dept. of Defense released in September 2011 as DADT repeal was taking effect, provides the pathway for making changes & upgrades. It is estimated that as many as 100,000 veterans may qualify for this assistance. "Cleaning up these records is an important piece of restoring dignity and honor to these American patriots & closing the books on this shameful piece of our history. SLDN stands ready to assist all those who seek our help," stated Veteran & SLDN Executive Director Aubrey Sarvis.
For Online Toolkit…
New Exclusive Audio Chat w/ R. Clarke Cooper, Executive Director of the Log Cabin Republicans on the GOP candidates running for President & where they stand on gay rights & more…

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
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1 comment:

Aubrey Sarvis said...

We already have heard from more than 100 gay and lesbian veterans who were discharged under the discriminatory "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law and now want their discharge paperwork changed or upgraded. Sometimes it's for reasons of personal pride and setting the record straight about honorable service to our country. But often, there's also a very practical reason, like urgently needed VA medical benefits or issues of employment. Employers routinely request discharge paperwork when reviewing job applicants who have prior military service. A narrative reason for separation of 'homosexuality' or a negative reentry code can mean forcing veterans to out themselves to future employers or being denied employment altogether.

Aubrey Sarvis, Executive Director Servicemembers Legal Defense Network

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