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Has Obama Evolved on Gay Marriage?

By Charlotte Robinson, January 21, 2012
This makes things interesting. First we’re endeared by Obama’s belting out a very good Al Green rendition at an Apollo Theater fundraiser & now rumors have it that he just may be evolving on his position on gay marriage. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney stated on Friday that he wouldn’t rule “in or out” on the possibility that Obama may endorse gay marriage in Tuesday's State of the Union Address. “I will not rule anything in or out,” Carney stated. “I’m just not going to talk about — beyond pointing at his words — his personal views on this. I think his administration's policies on related issues are there for people to judge.” One question we ask: If not now, When??
I guess we’ll have to tune in & see. Updates to Come…:)
Exclusive Chat with Dustin Lance Black, Oscar Winning screenwriter for MILK & the new critically-acclaimed film J. EDGAR, talks about his play “8” based on the Prop 8 Trial

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage


Dan Savage said...

While national polls show a slim majority of Americans now support marriage equality, supporters of marriage equality aren’t evenly distributed throughout all 50 states. They’re over-represented in populous blue states that Obama is going to carry, under-represented in purple states that he needs to carry, and thin in the ground in red states that he has no hope of carrying. Electoral College Goddam. And maybe I’m a pessimist… but… I don’t think Obama endorsing marriage equality would convince any Republicans who support marriage equality (all six of them) to vote for him, I don’t think it by itself would convince independents to vote for him, and I think it would convince some conservative Democrats to vote against him.

Laurie... said...

I would never vote for a Mormon because Mormons spend tens of millions of dollars fighting same-sex marriage and do nothing to stop polygamy in their own backyard. Anyone who watches the documentary film "Banking On Heaven" knows all about Mormons and how they turn their backs on the abuse of innocent women and child. OBAMA 2012

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