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Anti Gay Religious Group Ban Starbucks

By Charlotte Robinson, February 01, 2012
Starbucks has joined Microsoft & Nike in publicly supporting marriage equality as Washington State moves closer to becoming the 7th state to legalize gay marriage. In its statement, Kalen Holmes, Executive Vice President for Starbucks partner resources, said the company embraces diversity & provides an "inclusive, supportive and safe work environment" for its employees. Of course some homophobes are protesting. USA Christian Ministries is a group boycotting Starbucks for its support of gay marriage in the state of Washington, saying in a news release that the coffee chain's decision has angered Christians. "Christians are upset with Starbucks for turning against God," Steven Andrew, President of USA Christian Ministries, stated. Unfortunately it’s too difficult for their narrow little minds to accept that God loves all his children. Updates to Come…:)
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1 comment:

Kalen Holmes said...

This important legislation is aligned with Starbucks business practices and upholds our belief in the equal treatment of partners. It is core to who we are and what we value as a company. Starbucks embraces diversity and provides an "inclusive, supportive and safe work environment" for its employees. This isn't the first time the company has made headlines for taking a stance on gay marriage. In 2011, Starbucks was among a group of 70 business and organizations opposing the Defense of Marriage Act.

Kalen Holmes Executive Vice President for Starbucks Partner Resources

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