The pro gay marriage momentum is building in America. A joint panel of the Maryland legislature approved on Valentine's Day a bill to legalize gay marriage adding to the advances in California, New Jersey & Washington State in the last week. Committee approval of Governor Martin O'Malley's bill on Tuesday moves Maryland closer to becoming the 8th state to legalize marriage equality. The House of Delegates' Judiciary Committee & the Health and Government Operations Committee approved the measure 25-18 in a joint vote, a judiciary panel spokeswoman said. The measure is expected to go to the full House today. As you remember a similar bill died in the House last year following opposition from several African-American lawmakers. O'Malley, a Democrat, said he had rallied support for the measure & needed only a handful of extra votes to secure passage this year. According to Senator Brian Frosh, head of the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee the Maryland Senate is expected to consider the measure as early as Friday. The Maryland vote came one day after Washington became the 7th state to legalize gay marriage, although the law will not take affect until June at the earliest. Of course homophobic opponents may try to get it on the ballot in November. New Jersey's Senate also approved a gay marriage bill on Monday with the lower house expected to vote on Thursday. Unfortunately Governor Chris Christie has promised to veto that measure if it reaches his desk. So slowly our LGBT community moves forward in our quest for equality. Updates to Come…:) Exclusive Historic Information in this Audio Chat with Ted Olson & David Boies at the AFER press conference held 2 hours after Prop 8 was found unconstitutional in California by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit@ OUTTAKE VOICES™ Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders@OUTTAKE VOICES™ Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:) View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage
As an uninformed and uneducated (aka, typical) American, I think poor Governor Christine of New Jersey is trying her best to do the right thing. And I don't know who rules Maryland, but I'm sure he's working hard too to prevent the horror of gay marriage.
Let's all be Waterford Crystal clear about what's really going on here: The fate of both Maryland and New Jersey... and the entire earth... hang in the balance. Gay marriage is a cause for great alarm and my very well be the first warning sign of The Rapture.
At this very moment, innumerable married gays around the world are committing acts of what I have taken to calling “homoterrorism”. It's true. For example, if a large number of lesbians were to hug one another, it could cause the collapse of the Greek economy. (See. I told you.)
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1 comment:
As an uninformed and uneducated (aka, typical) American, I think poor Governor Christine of New Jersey is trying her best to do the right thing. And I don't know who rules Maryland, but I'm sure he's working hard too to prevent the horror of gay marriage.
Let's all be Waterford Crystal clear about what's really going on here: The fate of both Maryland and New Jersey... and the entire earth... hang in the balance. Gay marriage is a cause for great alarm and my very well be the first warning sign of The Rapture.
At this very moment, innumerable married gays around the world are committing acts of what I have taken to calling “homoterrorism”. It's true. For example, if a large number of lesbians were to hug one another, it could cause the collapse of the Greek economy. (See. I told you.)
To learn more about this important issue, please visit us at
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