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Oscars Provide A Little Gay Visibility

By Charlotte Robinson, February 27, 2012
There weren’t many gay moments at the Oscars this year. The show opened with Billy Crystal doing a fair movie montage that provided maybe a chuckle or two but nothing extremely memorable. Of course it seems that the industry finds it funny to have a scene from THE DECENDANTS with George Clooney bending over to kiss his dying wife that turns out to be Billy Crystal instead. Christopher Plummer did win the best supporting Oscar for his portrayal of a gay father in BEGINNERS. We screened this film last May at the Boston LGBT Film Festival where I met the film’s writer & director Mike Mills. The film is based upon Mill’s real life father who came out at 75 after becoming a widow. At 82, Plummer is the oldest actor to ever win an Oscar & it was his first Academy Award. This would have been a nice opportunity to have at least one line in his acceptance speech acknowledging our LGBT people but nothing was uttered from his lips. Other winners included Meryl Streep who took home the best actress Oscar for her portrayal of Margaret Thatcher in openly gay director Phyllida Lloyd’s THE IRON LADY. Jean Dujardin won best actor for his role in acclaimed silent film THE ARTIST which also earned the Best Picture & Best Director Awards. The show was very traditional with Brian Grazer taking over the helm after Brett Ratner stood down from his role producing the 2012 Academy Awards show after he told a press conference rehearsal was for “fags” last year. Ratner has gone to some lengths to make amends for the slur. Earlier this month we announced Brett would produce & direct a GLAAD video campaign to promote equality for our LGBT community.
Read Post... Well maybe the wrath of the GLAAD situation made this year's Oscar show too politically correct.
Complete List of Oscar Winners: oscar.go.com
New Exclusive Audio Chat with Sara Benincasa, award-winning comedian & writer about her new must-read book AGORAFABULOUS! Dispatches from My Bedroom based on her acclaimed one-woman show. Sara is very outspoken on LGBT issues & is a fierce gay ally. Born & raised in New Jersey we thought we’d get her spin on Governor Chris Christie vetoing gay marriage in her home state & other issues facing our LGBT community @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
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