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HRC Boycott For Honoring Goldman Sachs

By Charlotte Robinson, February 04, 2012
UPDATE: LGBT Community United Against HRC...
Tonight the attendees to the Human Rights Campaign dinner in New York will have to cross Queer Occupy Wall Street protesters angry at the organization's honoring of investment bank Goldman Sachs. The grassroots group will air their disapproval in front of the Waldorf Astoria site of the HRC $650 a person fundraiser. The group is condemning HRC for honoring Goldman Sachs which Queer OWS Caucus says helped spur the global financial meltdown. Fred Sainz, HRC Vice President of Communication stated, "We are fortunate to live in a democracy that encourages many diverse points of view. The irony is that our programs serve the 99% of the population this group says it represents.” Queer OWS Caucus wants HRC to pledge that they will work toward full LGBT equality by 2014 which is the 50th anniversary of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. They are also asking for the HRC to demonstrate more internal transparency & work more with grassroots organizations like theirs & less with corporate entities. Organizers will gather starting at 4P at 49th/Park & will parade picket-style along Park Avenue in front of the Waldorf at 50th/Park starting sharply at 5P. Updates to Come…:)
For More Info: actonprinciples.org
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1 comment:

Queer Caucus said...

The Queer Caucus condemns HRC's decision to honor Goldman Sachs in a time of financial collapse caused by their unethical business practices and greed, and deplores the use of our cause and suffering for corporate public relations. HRC honoring Goldman Sachs at this time reveals all one needs to know about the corporate LGBT lobby, and its disconnect from the 99% and the LGBT people it purports to represent.

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