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Maryland Passes Gay Marriage

By Charlotte Robinson, February 23, 2012
UPDATE: The Maryland Senate passed gay marriage by a 25-22 vote & it will now be sent to Governor Martin O’Malley who sponsored the bill & will sign it making Maryland the 8th state to legalize marriage equality. This is a good day for our LGBT people…:)
Well the Maryland Senate is set to debate & vote on gay marriage today. The homophobic Republicans keep trying to delay the measure but discussion is expected to begin Thursday morning. This is a situation different from New Jersey because when the bill passes Governor Martin O’Malley will sign the bill into law making Maryland the 8th state to do so. Of course the nasty opponents have vowed to bring it to voters with a referendum on the November ballot. They can begin collecting the more than 55,000 signatures needed to do so once the bill passes both chambers. Again this is totally ridiculous to allow the majority to vote on the rights of a minority but this battle seems to drag on. What are the anti gay hate mongers so afraid of in Maryland? This bill has legal protections in place for religious beliefs & for religious orgs & churches. Last year it was the religious Afro-American bully pulpit vote that defeated this bill. Of course it would be helpful if the our Afro American brothers & sisters would support gay marriage & remember that the Bible was used to justify slavery & other forms of discrimination. Sherry Hope of Baltimore stated, “Christians must stand up as they did in the 1960s to stop discrimination against African-Americans. It is time to stop oppressing people over an issue that has nothing to do with heterosexual marriage.” Updates to Come…:)
Exclusive Audio Update with Ned Flaherty from Marriage Equality USA about the map he’s created revealing the encouraging news that 42% of Americans now live in the 21 states that offer some form of legal recognition at the state level for same-gender relationships & more gay marriage in America news @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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