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US Appeals Court Censors Prop 8 Tapes

By Charlotte Robinson, February 03, 2012
We’ve been waiting for this obscene decision for months. The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued a decision not to unseal the videotapes of the historic 12 day public trial in Perry v. Schwarzenegger (now Perry v. Brown). The Perry case is the federal constitutional challenge to Proposition 8, which stripped our gay & lesbian Californians of the fundamental freedom to marry. In a landmark August 2010 ruling Prop 8 was found unconstitutional by the Federal District Court. On Sept 19th, 2011, United States District Chief Judge James Ware ruled that the tapes should be released, emphasizing that “Transparency is pivotal to public perception of the judiciary’s legitimacy & independence.” But now the only way to see & hear this case is by attending Dustin Lance Black’s play “8” that is making it’s way throughout the country. “People need to witness what happened in the Proposition 8 trial, if for no other reason than to see inequality & discrimination unequivocally rejected in a court of law where truth & facts matter,” stated Black.

On March 3rd for one night only “8” will have its West Coast Premiere in Los Angeles with an All-Star Cast including: Matt Bomer, Campbell Brown, George Clooney, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Cleve Jones, Christine Lahti, Jane Lynch, Matthew Morrison, Rory O’Malley, Rob Reiner, Martin Sheen, Yeardley Smith & George Takei. Throughout 2012, American Foundation for Equal Rights & Broadway Impact are licensing “8” for free to colleges and community theatres nationwide in order to spur action, dialogue & understanding. We talked to Dustin Black about his play & the pending decision a few weeks ago.
Listen to audio interviewed & more info at OUTTAKE VOICES™
Exclusive Chat with Dustin Lance Black, Oscar Winning screenwriter for MILK & the new critically-acclaimed film J. EDGAR, talks about his play “8” based on the Prop 8 Trial
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
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View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Chad Griffin said...

The anti-marriage proponents of Proposition 8 will spend millions on a political campaign to publicize their views, yet they are doing everything they can to stop the public from seeing the weak case they put on at trial. In a court of law, only the truth and facts matter. And the facts are that the Proponents have no case. American Foundation for Equal Rights will do everything we can to make sure that the American people see what happened at trial.

Chad Griffin Board President American Foundation for Equal Rights

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