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Gay Marriage Passes In Washington State

By Charlotte Robinson, February 02, 2012
Washington State has passed gay marriage by a vote of 28-21 to become the 7th state to legalize marriage equality for our LGBT community. The packed public galleries burst into joy Wednesday night after nearly an hour & a half of debate. Four Republicans crossed party lines & voted with majority Democrats for the measure. Three Democrats voted against it. The measure now heads to the House which is expected to approve it. Governor Chris Gregoire supported the measure & she will sign it into law. Of course opponents have promised to challenge it at the ballot with a referendum. Openly gay Democratic Senator Ed Murray the sponsor of the bill stated "Those of us who support this legislation are not, and we should not be accused of, undermining family life or religious freedom. Marriage is how society says you are a family."

Gay marriage is legal in New York, Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont & the District of Columbia. Lawmakers in New Jersey & Maryland are expected to debate gay marriage this year & Maine could see a gay marriage proposal on the November ballot. When will people learn that voting to take away rights of a minority is wrong & un-American? Updates to Come..:)
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1 comment:

Alex Guenser said...

I feel like this is the hill, the crest of the marriage equality fight. And after this passes (in the Senate), it's all going to be smoother sailing from now on. I'm really excited to have Washington pass gay marriage. I'm excited for my state.

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