with Petty Officer Derek Morado, the servicemember who
was facing discharge today in California despite "Don't Ask,
Don't Tell" having been repealed 100 days ago. By a vote of
3-0, Derek was recommended for retention. Derek gets to not
only save his career, but walk prouder without the burden of
discrimination on his shoulders. This is Great News….:)

Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act of 2010," we thought this was
the game-changer. Of course we were a bit skeptical about
Obama dragging his feet about the transition to make the
repeal fully inclusive & get it implemented. Especially
when the Obama administration refused to drop their
appeal against the Log Cabin Republicans after their case
found DADT unconstitutional in Federal court.
Today Derek Morado, Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class who was
outed by a fellow sailor in 2009, still faces discharge from
the Navy. The 26-year-old sailor will appear at a hearing on
the base today before a three-member panel that will rule
whether he should be discharged for homosexual conduct.
The hearing is not open to the public. Morado said he's heard
that no one has been discharged from the military for being
gay since October. He hopes not to be the first since then,
because he wants to make the Navy his career. "It's all I really
know," he said. "I've done it since high school. I just want to
keep doing it." Updates to Come…:)
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