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Gay Singer George Michael True Faith

By Charlotte Robinson, March 10, 2011
George Michael new album True Faith has been influenced
by "club music & his sexuality". Since he came out in 1998 he
believes the openness of his new songs is similar his 1987
classic album Faith but with a more up tempo sound staying
true to his sexuality. This has been a challenging time for
Michael who recently split with his partner of 15 years Texan
businessman & gallery owner Kenny Goss. Last year George
was convicted of driving under the influence of drugs & was
sentenced to 8 weeks in prison. We’re glad he’s gotten back
to the thing he does best, making music.
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1 comment:

George Michael said...

Somebody said to me, 'This album is going to be like a more electronic Faith, because your writing with that directness again.' I think there's a lot more joy to put in the writing this time around. Since I've been out as a gay man, house music has been more of an influence in my life. So ultimately as a gay man, you don't really stop listening to club music as early as straight people do and I wanted the album to reflect that.
This other project I'm doing reflects somebody who's getting older as a singer and an interpreter as well, so what I thought is, 'What do you want at this point in life?' I can honestly say I have no interest in just repeating my successes. There are aspects to the new material which I think are progress. Once you've reached a certain point, to drive you forward as an artist you look for authenticity. And that involves doing the type of tour I'm planning to do which I haven't done before and express more personal truths that I now think about having lived as a gay man for 12 years.

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