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Congress Moves Against DOMA

By Charlotte Robinson, March 16, 2011
Democrats in both the House & Senate will mount an attack on the Defense of Marriage Act armed with a new poll showing that most Americans are behind them. The legislative move comes a day after a interest-group-sponsored poll was released revealing that 51 % of voters oppose DOMA while just 34 % favor it. The poll, a collaboration of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) & Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, also showed that 54 % oppose an effort by House Republicans to defend the law from numerous legal challenges; only 32 % support it. President Obama announced last month they would no longer defend DOMA in court where Section 3 of DOMA that addresses federal rights & benefits was found unconstitutional. Exclusive Audio Interview with David Waters, CEO of Community Servings a nonprofit food & nutrition program providing services to individuals & families with HIV & 35 other chronic illnesses @ OUTTAKE VOICES™ Exclusive Audio Interview with Jan Donley about her must-read debut novel The Side Door, which addresses LGBTQ teen suicide & coming out in high school @ OUTTAKE VOICES™ Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™ Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:) View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Joe Solmonese said...

The debate over DOMA isn’t about whether you favor marriage equality, it’s about whether the government can pick and choose which marriages they like, and which they don’t. With five states and D.C. granting marriage licenses to same-gender couples, it’s time the federal government stop playing favorites and instead create an equal playing field for all families.
When it comes to defending DOMA, House Republicans are wrong on the policy and wrong on the politics. It’s mind boggling that Republican leaders would so misread the tea leaves in their urgent effort to score some cheap and temporary political points.

Joe Solmonese is President of HRC

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