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Gay Marriage Wins in New Poll

By Charlotte Robinson, March 18, 2011
Finally a new ABC News-Washington Post poll confirms the
rise in support for gay marriage. For the first time in the poll's
history a majority of American adults, 53 % believe it should
be legal for gays & lesbians to get married. 68 % of adults
under 30 & 65 % of adults in their 30’s support gay marriage,
which just shows that our future looks bright. Also since 58 %
of independents back gay marriage by the time Obama "evolves"
on the issue it won't even present much of a political risk to his
re-election campaign in 2012. This poll comes a few days after
another poll showed that 51 % of voters oppose The Defense of
Marriage Act (DOMA) & just 34 % favor it.
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CEO of Community Servings a nonprofit food &

nutrition program providing services to individuals

& families with HIV & 35 other chronic illnesses

Exclusive Audio Interview with Jan Donley
about her must-read debut novel The Side Door,
which addresses LGBTQ teen suicide & coming
out in high school @ OUTTAKE VOICES™

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View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Evan Wolfson said...

This new poll is very consistent with a lot of other polling data we’ve seen and the general momentum we’ve seen over the past year and a half. As people have come to understand that gay marriage is about loving, committed families dealing, like everyone, with tough times, they understand how unfair it is to treat them differently.

Evan Wolfson is President of Freedom to Marry

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