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Harvard Renews ROTC with DADT Repeal

By Charlotte Robinson, March 04, 2011
Starting with the Navy, Harvard University will be reinstating
ROTC now that “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” has been somewhat
repealed. The Navy, Army & Air Force pulled their programs
from Harvard beginning in 1970 after students opposing the
Vietnam War held protests & the school stopped giving credit
for ROTC classes. Harvard declined to reinstate the program
citing the military's ban on gay service members. However
recognition for ROTC will not resume at Harvard until DADT
is officially repealed which is expected later this year.
Exclusive Audio Interview with Phil Siegel,
Producer of "Coming Out in the 1950s" a new

video in which teen journalists interview gay
about their coming out experiences

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1 comment:

Drew Faust said...

Our renewed relationship affirms the vital role that the members of our Armed Forces play in serving the nation and securing our freedoms, while also affirming inclusion and opportunity as powerful American ideals. It broadens the pathways for students to participate in an honorable and admirable calling and in so doing advances our commitment to both learning and service.

Drew Faust, President of Harvard University

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