David Kato has been sent to Luzira prison. David Kato was
a prominent Ugandan gay rights activist. Gay Activist Bishop
Christopher Senyonjo said that the gay community will not
give up until justice prevails. David Kato’s murder was
condemned by both local & international human rights bodies
saying that it was abuse of fundamental human rights. They
called upon Uganda government to investigate the cause of
Kato’s death & speak out against homophobia towards gay
community in the country. Listen to this exclusive audio byte
with Rev. John Makokha of Kenya who talks about American
fundamentalists Christian Evangelists leaders importing
homophobia to Africa.

Rev. John Makokha who runs educational
awareness seminars on human sexuality &
gender identity programs in Kenya

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage
1 comment:
The fundamentalists Christian Evangelists leaders from America have been transporting homophobia to Africa. The best example is the homophobic bill in Uganda and even some judges in Kenya and other parts of Africa have been receiving big chunks of money to propagate heterosexualism, to propagate homophobia and yet even ask people who are working towards inclusion, towards love and ending discrimination we have a big challenge because we don’t have the resources to compete with these homophobic religious leaders. Therefore we are praying for LGBT civil rights in America to have unity, to have dialogue so that this issue of homosexism, homophobia, and transphobia is reduced or illuminated completely. So our brothers and sisters who are LGBT can also enjoy the freedom of democracy, the love and respect in this country.
Rev. John Makokha, United Methodist Church in Nairobi, Kenya
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