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By Charlotte Robinson, March 22, 2011
The GLAAD MEDIA Awards were presented Saturday night
in NYC. We were there on the RED Carpet which was actually
Blue for their national host ROKK Vodka, who also gave $100
to GLAAD every time ROKK was mentioned on stage. We'll
have an exclusive audio interview montage with the celebs on
OUTTAKE VOICES later this week including Ricky Martin
who talked about LGBT Civil Rights & was fabulous.
The Winners Are:
Excellence in Media Award: Russell Simmons
Vito Russo Award: Ricky Martin
Outstanding Drama Series: True Blood (HBO)
[Accepted by: Denis O'Hare]
Outstanding Individual Episode (in a series without a
regular LGBT character): "Klaus & Greta" 30 Rock (NBC)
[Accepted by: Tina Fey]
Outstanding Digital Journalism - Multimedia: "Bridal Bliss:
Aisha and Danielle" by Bobbi Misick (Essence.com)
[Accepted by: Aisha Mills and Danielle Moodie, with
Essence.com editor, Emil Wilbekin]
Other award recipients announced @ the 22nd Annual
GLAAD Media Awards in New York were:
Outstanding Talk Show Episode: "Ricky Martin Coming Out
as a Gay Man and a New Dad" The Oprah Winfrey Show
Outstanding TV Journalism – Newsmagazine: "Gay Teen
Suicides" (series) Anderson Cooper 360 (CNN)
Outstanding Newspaper Article: "Rutgers Student Tyler
Clementi's Suicide Spurs Action Across U.S." by Judy Peet
(The Star-Ledger, Newark, N.J.)
Outstanding Newspaper Columnist: Frank Rich
(The New York Times)
Outstanding Newspaper Overall Coverage: Denver Post
Outstanding Magazine Article: "What Happens When You
Find the One...And He's Nothing – Nothing –
Like You Expected?" by Allison Cooper (O, The Oprah
Outstanding Magazine Overall Coverage:
The Advocate/Out Outstanding Digital Journalism Article:
"View From Washington"
(series) by Kerry Eleveld (Advocate.com)
Outstanding Blog: Joe. My. God.
Outstanding Music Artist: Scissor Sisters, Night Work
(Downtown Records)
Outstanding Comic Book: X-Factor by Peter David
(Marvel Comics)
Outstanding Los Angeles Theater: Something Happened
by L. Trey Wilson
Outstanding New York Theater: Broadway &
Off–Broadway: The Pride by Alexi Kaye Campbell
Outstanding New York Theater: Off–Off Broadway:
When Last We Flew by Harrison David Rivers
For a Full List & More Info: glaad.org
Exclusive Audio Interview with David Waters,
CEO of Community Servings a nonprofit food &

nutrition program providing services to individuals

& families with HIV & 35 other chronic illnesses

Exclusive Audio Interview with Jan Donley
about her must-read debut novel The Side Door,
which addresses LGBTQ teen suicide & coming
out in high school @ OUTTAKE VOICES™

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Richard Ferraro said...

GLAAD Media Award recipients were announced in 25 of this year's 32 media categories at the Annual GLAAD Media Awards presented in New York by ROKK Vodka at the Marriott Marquis on Saturday, March 19. Additional awards will be presented in Los Angeles at The Westin Bonaventure Hotel on Sunday, April 10, and in San Francisco at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis on Saturday, May 14.

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