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Obama Loves Our Gay Dollars

By Charlotte Robinson, February 11, 2012
Last night in Northwest Washington D.C a fundraiser was held at a private home that brought the Obama campaign over a million dollars with tickets running to $35,800 a person. Obama was introduced by Chicago Cubs Laura Ricketts, the first openly gay owner of a major league baseball team & a major financier for the Obama campaign. Obama continues to defend his administration's record on LGBT rights. Still even with Prop 8 being found unconstitutional once again in California & Washington State about to sign marriage equality into law on Monday he did not address whether he has evolved on gay marriage. White House press secretary Jay Carney stated "I can tell you that divisive & discriminatory efforts to deny rights & benefits to same-gender couples are something that this president has long opposed.” But he would not answer specific questions about a timetable on Obama's evolution. Updates to Come...:)
Exclusive Historic Audio with Ted Olson & David Boies at the AFER press conference held 2 hours after Prop 8 was found unconstitutional by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
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View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

President Obama said...

The work that we've done with the LGBT community, I think, is just profoundly American. You should be judged on the merits. That's at the heart of the American dream. That's how you should be judged -- not by what you look like, not by how you worship, not by where you come from, not by who you love. We just kept plodding along, because of that, in some ways, what's been remarkable is how readily the public recognizes this is the right thing to do.

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