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Gay Activist Lady Gaga Rocks On

By Charlotte Robinson, March 06, 2011
Lady Gaga & her “Born This Way” concert tour continues to
champion our LGBT issues. In Buffalo New York she shouted
OUT a message during her concert to State Sen. Mark Grisanti
about his position on gay marriage. It appears that he’s on the
fence & Lady Gaga urged the crowd to email him to sway his
vote to pass the New York State Marriage Bill. Gay marriage
has strong support in the Democrat-led New York Assembly
& Gov. Andrew Cuomo also supports it. The bill was defeated
in the State Senate in 2009 falling eight votes short of the 32
needed to pass. To email State Senator Mark Grisanti
Listen to Exclusive Audio Chat w/ Richard
Visionary & Gay Activist on the truth
about our
LGBT Civil Rights & Obama

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Lady Gaga said...

There's a senator here in Buffalo that's on the fence about whether or not to vote for this particular bill and I would like to give you all his e-mail. His name is Sen. Mark Grisanti. 2,000 e-mails in his BlackBerry this evening or tomorrow might help sway his position on marriage equality. Buffalo, we need SEN.GRISANTI to help pass NY STATE MARRIAGE BILL e-mail: grisanti@nysenate.gov
I Was Born This Way.

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