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Teen Murdered in New York Hate Crime

By Charlotte Robinson, March 15, 2011
The beating death of a teen in Queens, NY is being investigated
as a hate crime, police said. Anthony Collao, 18 was attacked by
5 teens arrested on manslaughter charges who yelled anti-gay
slurs as they beat him an inch from life. Police found Collao in
an abandoned house on 90th Street shortly before 1AM Saturday
morning. Collao had severe head trauma, police said. EMS
transported him to Jamaica Medical Center, where he died on
Monday. Friends said that Collao had a girlfriend & was not gay
although the party hosts were. The party advertised on Facebook
was a birthday celebration.
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Ray Kelly said...

It appears to have all the elements of a hate crime and now a hate crime homicide. Police reported that what began as a birthday party at the abandoned building in Queens turned ugly when a group of five men, not wanting to pay the seven dollars cover, began pushing their way inside. They started making homophobic remarks. Windows were broken and even neighbors could see how rowdy things were becoming. Back outside, according to a criminal complaint, one of the five said "get the f***k out of the front, this is my hood" and then began chasing 18-year old Anthony Collao and another man down 90th Street.

Ray Kelly NYPD Police Commissioner

ajlounyinjurylaw said...

It is sickening and pathetic that this kind of crime still happens. Any kind of murder is horrible, but the ones that are committed under hatred is especially horrific. We are entitled to believe in anything, to be so harshly judge is insane.

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