takes place today, March 26 at MIT Stata Center, from
1-10pm, Cambridge, MA. The WAM! Film Festival will
feature films directed or produced by women (many
of them local), that also focus on women’s issues. The
festival kicks off at 1P with accomplished professionals for
a panel discussion on the state of Women in the Industry.
There’s a misconception that women are now “equal” in the
film industry, despite lack of representation in positions
of power. Women working in the industry will share their
stories and reflect on what has changed over the years,
what has stayed the same & how to keep change coming.
The Panel is Moderated by Charlotte Robinson, Emmy
Winner & CEO of OUTTAKE MEDIA & Featuring:
Sara Archambault, LEF Foundation
Susan Bryant, Sound Recordist
Cynthia Close, Documentary Education Resources
Karen Stark, Right Coast Locations
Sally Wu, Documentary Filmmaker
Co-sponsors of the event include MIT Program in Women's
& Gender Studies, Women in Film & Video New England,
& Women Make Movies. See You There...:)
For More Info: www.womenactionmedia.org

& lots of Celebrities talk Gay Rights & Red Carpet
Pix & Dish @ the GLAAD MEDIA Awards & More

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WAM! Film Festival presents Feature Films Made by Women, about Women, this Saturday, March 26, 1-10P at the MIT Stata Center, Cambridge, MA. Despite the success of a few directors, the fact remains that women direct only 7% of commercial films. This has a huge impact on the kinds of stories we see. The WAM! festival aims to fill some of that gap by showcasing work by talented women filmmakers, with an emphasis on local films, and films that encourage audiences to think critically about the world around them. WAM! also advocates active media participation, so you’ll find Q&A sessions with the filmmakers and panel discussions built into the lineup as well. And while these are women’s stories, they are also stories that affect everyone, and we invite all people to join us for some great films and engaging discussion.
Jaclyn Friedman, Executive Director of WAM!
The WAM Festival panel is an exciting opportunity to hear from women who are leaders in various aspects of the film industry. Their thoughts and histories are rich fruit for broader community discussions on the state of women in film. This year, the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day, is perfect timing to question what steps are needed to ensure opportunities in this industry for people of all genders continue to grow.
Danielle Connor Board President, Women in Film & Video New England
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